NEW/DONATED 04/04 In this book, an adult with Asperger's describes his experiences as he grew up and his mother complements his writing with an account of the family's efforts to understand him.
DONATED COPY 04/04; NEW 05/30/02 Author's account of dealing with her child's diet difficulties. Reassures other parents that there are lots of people out there in the same boat and suggests practical methods of dealing with the problem.
NEW/DONATED 04/04 This book takes on the volatile topic of the rose of race in education and explores the black/white achievement gap and the cultural divide that exists between some teachers and African American students.
NEW/DONATED 04/04 An anthology that gives voice to millions of people who, on a daily basis, are denied the opportunity to speak in their own language.
DONATED/NEW 01/04; 04/04 SECOND COPY ADDED Remarkable story in the author's search for answers found her son but found something profound about how the brain works and how we learn.
NEW/DONATED 04/04 A parent's story, an educational manual and an inspirational collection of essays that will help you see through the eyes of a child with autism and into the hearts of the people who love her.
DONATED/NEW 01/14 In the author's search for answers she not only found her son, but discovered something profound about the way the brain works and how we learn.